
Project Selection

Dorchester Regeneration
project selection

At Dorchester Regeneration we are very selective about the projects we take on and have some specific criteria that they must meet.

Our priority is to work on large, strategic sites in rural and semi-urban settings and focus on projects where we can establish the long-term vision, needed to create whole new settlements.

This means the variety of projects that we invest into include expansive brownfield sites that may have previously been used by industry or military and redeveloping them in their entirety, to taking a bare piece of land that has been promoted by a local authority and creating something new, entirely from scratch.

We are open to funding our own projects, collaborating with joint venture partners or being instructed as development managers for a publicly owned organisation. In all instances, we seek to take on the role of master developer and consortium lead, using our own experienced project team to manage and deliver a project.

We will put specific consideration in to the social and environmental impact of a project, favouring those that can make a real difference to the quality of life of existing and future residents.

It is imperative that any proposed development is carried out through careful forward planning and the highest quality of design. Careful consideration must be given to the delivery of infrastructure, both social and physical, and variety of tenures of housing required to deliver a project at scale and pace. This must be accompanied by a phasing plan that delivers the various phases of housing, infrastructure and commercial centre early in order to establish a sense of place.

At Dorchester Regeneration we understand this role well. We are one of a few developers in the UK with active experience in delivering projects of this type and have an excellent working relationship with Homes England, the government agency tasked with supporting the delivery of large scale housing projects around the UK.